The Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust created the BFBC in order to highlight the good work done by farmers and gamekeepers in helping to reverse the decline in farmland bird numbers. Over time, it can help farmers monitor the effect of any conservation work on their land. It’s a really easy one-off survey for just half an hour in February every year.

Farmland bird identification workshops are available in the run-up to the count in January and February. The session includes a classroom and field session with lunch, and by the end of the day you’ll be ready for your own count! Workshop details will be listed on the GWCT Events Calendar when they are open for bookings.

  1. If you need training to help recognise farmland birds by sight or call, you can book yourself onto a GWCT Farmland Bird ID workshop.
  2. You will need a counting form, binoculars and warm clothes.
  3. In the week of the count (dates vary each year – check GWCT website), choose a bright calm morning and spend about 30 minutes recording the species and number of birds seen on one particular area of the farm. You can choose your own location but somewhere with a good view of around 2 ha of the farm would be ideal. Some people like to count near wild bird seed mixes where they regularly see farmland birds.
  4. Submit your count results to the address on the count sheet, or online.

A farmland bird identification workshop © GWCT