Ref: CSFF050010

Lead: Barney Parker,

Group members: 18

Length of agreement: 3

Area of group (Hectares): 8484

The project area is covered by the Lincolnshire Wolds NCA (& is within the AONB). The following priorities have been identified and will be delivered by the group members:

1. Maintenance and / or restoration of lowland calcareous grassland, lowland meadows, ancient and native woodland, riparian habitat and arable field margins. (Synergies with 5. and 6.)

2. Habitat creation to contribute to improvements in water and air quality.

3. Restoration and maintenance of relevant SSSIs.

4. Land management options and capital works to benefit priority bird species; corn bunting, lapwing, willow tit and turtle dove.

5. The wild pollinator and farm wildlife package by retaining and extending nectar flower mixes, enhancing existing field corners and margins by slot seeding wild flowers, the provision of winter bird food through wild bird seed mixes and overwintered stubbles, managing hedgerows and the creation of skylark plots.

6. Water quality issues; in particular elevated nitrate concentrations on the chalk outcrop.

7. Reducing soil erosion and surface water run off in the catchment of the River Bain and Lymn rivers and their tributaries.

8. Retaining and enhancing Scheduled Monuments and other high priority SHIINE sites such as deserted medieval villages and ridge and furrow.

9. Management of existing priority woodlands and possible establishment of new. (Depending on placement this has synergies with 5. and 6.)

10. Maintenance of the key landscape features for the NCAs; hedgerows, hedgerow trees, field margins, permanent grassland. This would be delivered in conjunction with the Lincs Wolds AONB Management Plan (Synergies with 5. and 6.)